Lightning and shadows

Denny's blog about everything under the sun.

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Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Snow and movies

I am never going to get to the dump!

Took off Friday to hang with Laura and it was a nice relaxing quiet day. We went to a good lecture and show at Adams State in the afternoon/early evening. The speaker was a gallery owner from Sante Fe, and it was good to hear her stories of getting started and making a living. Good grounded information that sounds much like the plan we're following.

Yesterday we woke up to snow. Phone rang shortly after and I spent the next 10 hours fighting my way through snow and junky equiptment to keep the lights on. Not bad, just a little tired, a little sore here and there. It's funny, you'd think that a bucket truck that costs over 150K would work when it gets wet. Not.

It's the movie weekend otherwise. So far we've plowed through Casino Royale, Babel, and Borat. Casino was fun, and I enjoyed the return to the old Bond. Babel was just freakin sad and sometimes I wonder why I rent movies that I know are downers just because they're supposed to be important. I guess I'm glad I saw it........ but JEEPERS dont' these peoople have any happy stories? Borat? Funny, revolting, uncomfortable, untilmately worth a look for the laughs you take with you. Later today we'll see the not terribly well known film by Jack Black called "Pick or Destiny". Rumor has it that it's funny. I hope so, I would much like to laugh today.

Gonna go load some junk and maybe get the pugmill tuned up today. And perhaps bid on a wheel in Phoenix today. Big, heavy, steel potter's wheel. It's by a company called Lockerbie and I like them a whole heap. It's the one I want and always have wanted and this person wants $350 for a wheel that went for nearly a grand brand new. Good deal if it works.

Poly will be over today, and that's a good thing. Havent' seen her much this week. I prefer otherwise.

At the moment? It's Sunday Morning on CBS and Laura is napping. The dogs have quieted down and the cats haven't gotten started yet. We've enough money, heat, food, water and love.

Life is good.


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