Lightning and shadows

Denny's blog about everything under the sun.

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Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Time change

It's always a bit weird when the time changes. We're watching our favorite Sunday show: CBS Sunday Morning. It feels late and like my day is taking forever to start. I like this part, but there's a whole heap of work I want to get done today and I'd like to use the light to my advantage.

Odd thoughts for a Sunday Morning:

If the Republicans win I'll know the fix is in.

I like daylight savings time lots more than I like standard time. I think we should fall back an hour per week.

I'm old and tired, but I refuse to quit living just because things hurt.

Things always take, like, 4 times as long as I think they should.

I'm not ready for Winter.

I don't understand why anyone thinks being conservative is a good thing.

In televised political debates why don't the candidates just piss on each other and be done with it?

I don't manipulate digital images, I think it'slying.

There is no end to the internet but I keep looking for it.


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