Lightning and shadows

Denny's blog about everything under the sun.

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Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year

OK, I reckon a person with a blog really should update at least at the new year. :) Life is good. I mostly post to toadfire when I do it regularly, or my other blog which is called withoutsin. It's been a pretty good year, really good in most ways. Lately I'm fighting some car problems and not having much fun with the fight. Mostly I'm working on my building these days now that Laura has graduated and there's a bit of spare time in my schegule.

Resolutions? I don't make resolutions, I figure if I AM resolute there's just no need to.

We're having a quiet Sunday here at the house with internet and leftovers and the tree slowly drying in the living room. I got some work done on my building over the weekend so I can start the year with a little feeling of accomplishment. I'm still mostly heating it with a woodstove and waiting on my drywall finishing so I can start throwing and having clay fun.

I'll try ot get back here from time to time. Otherwise I should just really delete it.


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