Time change
It's always a bit weird when the time changes. We're watching our favorite Sunday show: CBS Sunday Morning. It feels late and like my day is taking forever to start. I like this part, but there's a whole heap of work I want to get done today and I'd like to use the light to my advantage.
Odd thoughts for a Sunday Morning:
If the Republicans win I'll know the fix is in.
I like daylight savings time lots more than I like standard time. I think we should fall back an hour per week.
I'm old and tired, but I refuse to quit living just because things hurt.
Things always take, like, 4 times as long as I think they should.
I'm not ready for Winter.
I don't understand why anyone thinks being conservative is a good thing.
In televised political debates why don't the candidates just piss on each other and be done with it?
I don't manipulate digital images, I think it'slying.
There is no end to the internet but I keep looking for it.
Odd thoughts for a Sunday Morning:
If the Republicans win I'll know the fix is in.
I like daylight savings time lots more than I like standard time. I think we should fall back an hour per week.
I'm old and tired, but I refuse to quit living just because things hurt.
Things always take, like, 4 times as long as I think they should.
I'm not ready for Winter.
I don't understand why anyone thinks being conservative is a good thing.
In televised political debates why don't the candidates just piss on each other and be done with it?
I don't manipulate digital images, I think it'slying.
There is no end to the internet but I keep looking for it.