Lightning and shadows

Denny's blog about everything under the sun.

My Photo
Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Too many people to kill today

Some days there are just too many assholes that the planet would be better off without. Today the people who are on my list:

1) George Bush, he is ALWAYS on my list. We have a crisis and the first thing he does is look for ways to repeal environmental regulations. Does he not understand that we need a planet to LIVE on so we can drive the SUV's?

2) Each and every ignorant son of a bitch that doesn't want the National Anthem sung in another language.

3) The same dumb fuckers that want to keep the Mexican people from having jobs here, or making them citizens, or listening to the words inscribed on the plaque at the pedestal of the Statue of LIberty:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

4) SUV driving people with one person in the car and ANYONE driving a Hummer. I look at a Hummer and I see dead people. These were the vehicles put on the holy land by the first George Bush that incited the ire of the Islamic world. One is hard pressed to find a symbol in a vehicle that more personifies what's wrong with the U.S. of North America.

5) Overpaid corporate leaders who drive their companies to ruin while putting a tidy sum away for themselves.

6) Oil Companies. Yes. All of them. Record profits and where do they put them? Into finding more oil. This is a DYING industry. A smart person would invest in the NEXT energy market and make a killing that way. Nope. These dumb fucks are putting their heads firmly in the sand and trying to smell out more oil.

7) Churches and everyone that attends them who use their holy books to find ways to be hateful. The books are about love you screaming, screeching, hidebound, IGNORANT dumb mother fuckers. Yes, I know how that sounds. I'm not one of them, and then I remember I'm a pacifist and shouldn't kill all these rediculous people.

Really all I have to do is wait and they'll kill eachother off much more efficiently and with much more prejudice than I could ever muster.

mumbling off into the distance now..........

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Line day........


Woke up to a phone call at 4 AM. Crew needed help with a down wire in Manassa. I said OK, since they couldn't find anyone else and headed down. It sounded simple so I wore my sneakers. Got there and lo and behold it was a huge I-Beam and tin roofed hay shed that had blown clear across the road and through a powerline, breaking a pole and all the wires. At 9:30 I had to go back to Alamosa to pick up a laptop that someone was giving us for our niece Emma so that she'll have something good when she has her big surgery next month. It was a really nice little laptop too! Wonderful people, they have a little girl with autism.

Got done with the pick up and the guy shooting trouble on the West end called to say the line to Summitville was out. Summitville is a now defunct goldmine that used arsnic heap leaching and the power has to stay on for proper reclimation of the toxic stuff left behind. It sits up at 11,000 feet and is impassable in the winter.

So I loaded up the snowcat with everything imaginable and headed up the hill. When the road gave out to snow, I and the guy I met up there unloaded the snowcat and startedd riding up the mountain. First thing we find is a tree through the line and so we climbed the poles and replaced them and spliced the wires back together after we cut the tree out of the way. Then we patrolled the rest of the way up to the mine. We got back down just as it was getting dark and drove back to Alamosa to unload everything. I got back home at 10:15 PM. Snowcats sound a lot like fun, but after a while they're just noisy and bumpy. Good thing I brought my ipod. :)

The guys I left in Manassa were headed in when another roof blew through the line in Antonito, followed by a huge cottonwood in LaJara. The funny thing was we found out Thursday that the company is in the hole because they underestimated costs again and we're supposed to cut back whereever possible. I'm thinking an 18 hour day for 6 guys will cut into the budget a bit. :O

I got home so danged tired I fell into the bath and internetted a little bit to calm down and hit the bed. Sleep felt good. I might do it again tonight. :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So....... Laura and Crystal hit a deer on their way home from class last night. They're both shaken and sad, the deer is pretty surely dead. I'm cruizing junk yards for some parts for a '94 Saturn. Funny....... I've hated that car from a couple years after I bought it. In the first week the passenger door got ripped off in an alley. It has a hole in the left rear door, and the front right was dinged before this. I crashed the shit out of it on I-25 in Denver and it wasn't driveable. Now it needs: new hood, front right quarter panel, Right hand headlight assembly and a passenger door mirror. OK, it HAS to have the hood and headlight, the rest is kinda optional since I'm giving it away as soon as my baby is rebuilt. My baby is an old 85 Nissan pickup truck that I bought brand new and Crystal's brother and sister in law (Christy) and a friend (Carlos) are finishing up rebuilding for me. It got kinda interrupted when Daniel was nearly killed in a car wreck last Summer.

I'm really glad no one was hurt in this smash up last night.

I've seen how bad it can get, I wouldn't want that to happen to my loves. Not any more of them anyway.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday is chair day.... now

I found a fun site that's been entertaining me this morning. It's fun, I recommed going to the Flash Movies section and two that I really liked are the "Everyone else has had more sex than me", and the "gollum rap". Very fun and I'm needing it today.

This morning my knee decided to take a trip to pain-ville. I was just getting up outta my chair (yes the wonderful big purple one) and it made a lovely audible snap (which Laura heard from the sofa) followed by a significant amount of discomfort communicated to my brain via the nervous system. In other words? Ouch.

I have an idea why this happened, sometimes I over-do a bit. On Tuesday night I dug a 50 trench for the gas pipe for my friend Sharon's new brick reduction kiln. I also did some pole climbing, and carried lots of heavy stuff up the ladder to my bucket truck. Doesn't sound like much, but crossarm with all the hardware is about 60 pounds, balanced on one shoulder while you climb an 8 foot ladder one handed and then twist around to get it landed before you fall off. :) Mostly it's fun, but it mighta been a bit much. All in all it adds up to me spending the day resting my knee with compression and elevation. Ice would help too but I hate ice. I really need to get to work on that gallery, but lately I'm feeling pretty broken. Between the bad knees, the sore back, the cranky shoulders and the prostate problems I'm feeling a bit grumpy about it all.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

This week......

It's been an interesting week. I started a blog over at toadfire but I'll be keeping this one because it's not a community board so I don't have to worry that' I'm posting too much and taking up the front page. :) Every community has little rules.

I'm worried this week. I'm having prostate problems. My grandpa died of prostate cancer. My dad has had surgury for it twice. My brother has problems with his, I guess I'm just doomed. :) OK, I do have a better diet than those folks and a much more active sex life and that's supposed to help as well. But it hurts damnit! It makes it difficult to want to be intimate and I ALWAYS want to be intimate. I'm worried that my body is riddled with cancer and the tests will come back this week and I'll have 6 months to live. (Have I mentioned that I'm a worrier)? I'd hate to lose my life and the people in it, and if that happens I'll just have to make sure I've taken care of them as best I can.

I've been working on the gallery. I've brought home two sets of garage doors with the hardware and have finally figured out that I should measure BEFORE going to get them. :) I now have two sets of 7 foot doors to give away. I still need a couple sets of 8 foot doors. I might end up walling in one door and just having one open. That would be more energy efficient. In other news I get to try to fill the pond out front today! I finished digging it yesterday and swept it all out and it's really cool. Today I'll get the rest of the front yard cleaned out and move the piles of shredded trees out to where they'll live for landscaping purposes. I'll haul boards out back and pile wood against the house and shine up the fence I dropped a tree on. I'll probably also haul a couple loads of cabinets over to the garage/studio and pile them for when I get it ready. It'll be a full day.

Tomorrow starts early, I go to KRZA (our local radio station) to do a two hour stint during the spring fund drive. I like our little station, it's worth some effort. Oddly enough I listen to it about half the time because I quickly tire of the classical 2 hours in the afternoon and the spanish language part at night just leaves me behind. I wouldn't want them to change that stuff though. It serves other folks and every thing isn't about me.

I got in on the last day of the cheap tickets for the Crestone Music Festival in Crestone, Colorado in August. It's a good time. Every year I want to go and I often forget until too late. So I got tickets for Me and Laura and Crystal and Pablo. AND I got a tent site. :) We'll see if we use it but at least I got it. I saved like $20 per ticket for the three days per person, so that's $80 over all! Not bad. Now we just have to use 'em. I'm gonna use MINE, I know that.

I want to go to Valley View Hot Springs, really bad. I think my body needs a vacation there to heal what ails it. This is supported by no logical evidence at all. I just know it. I need three days there to soak and think about nothing other than then wind and the sky and what to eat for dinner. I just wish I could manage it.

Taxes this week. I'm scared. Really scared. If we have to pay much, I don't have it. Hopefully I did the right things last year to bring us out OK. We'll see. Cross your fingers.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Time for relaxing

I have a big purple chair. It sits off to the side of the TV in the living room and it's MY chair. It has an ottoman for my legs so I can sit with my feet up and a nice blanket and there are tables to put food and drinks and laptops on.

I'm sitting in it.

Why is that? Well, because today saw: the unloading of 20 linear feet of upper level cabinets, 2 seven foot garage doors, all the attendant hardware and springs, and a bit more of this and that; a trip to the dump that saw the last of a big drum of crap, lots of broken glasss, pallets, some siding, a bit of exercise equiptment, car parts, and piles of unnamed crap from everywhere; the digging out of the last of the dirt in the pond; and the spreading of lots and lots of shredded tree crap. It was a really long day of digging and moving stuff and I'm beat. I've already taken the bath I neeeded and now?

Settled into the big purple chair. We all need one.
