The old blue Nissan seems to be running. I'm a little suspicious but moving forward anyhow. Spent yesterday afternoon and evening getting it all cleaned up. Windex, 409, Armor All, vacuming, feebreeze, new headlight, retighten bolts, replace water with antifreeze, clean out a bunch of mud, took a seat to the reupholstery place and I'll take the other one when the first one is done. Today I ordered a new radio for it since the old one sucks. The new on is an Alpine (I'm partial to those) and it will have a direct ipod connection and I can add blue tooth and digital radio later if I wish. The bluetooth makes it possible to do hands free phone thru the radio, crazy huh? So I'll put in that with a new antenna when it comes in, and that'll about complete the fix up. Well...... this week I'll probably take it to the auto place to have the bed done with the "spray in" bedliner. That should take care of my worst rusty spots. Then I'll sand and undercoat the other spots with rust, there aren't many.
Today I'll be at the studio/gallery doing some wiring. My friend Marian will stop by and Crystal might come by to help. I need to get that thing dried in before winter!
And with that I better get my ass to work!